Tara Tuesdays – Part Two
Posted on 24 April 2012
The following post is the second week of 'Tara Tuesdays', where my friend 'T Girl aka Tara' gives us some insight into her very crafty (and amusing) life. I note that she neglected to mention the incident with the maggots in the posh alpaca yarn she'd purchased at a knitting show! Sorry for the small photo of the mittens by the way, can't make it bigger I'm afraid. I'm very pleased to see the result of all Tara's square cutting with my Accuquilt fabric cutter, the patchwork blanket is looking good - now you just need to sew it together Tara! Over to the lady herself:
Up until very recently I was working full time in London commuting a 4 hour journey each day. Although this was exhausting, I made best use of my time and after having my coffee and putting on my makeup, I used to knit like crazy! The return journey was always more productive as I had more time than on the morning commute. People were fascinated by what I was doing and I was often stared at for the whole journey home. This could be a bit off putting especially when I made a mistake and was concentrating really hard! It was also a bit tricky when I used longer needles as I didn’t want to poke or stab anyone while I was working!
Since finding my love for all things fabric & yarn related, my collection of both has grown massively! I scour charity shops for bargains as you can often pick up lovely fabrics here. However, I am a bit of a snob when it comes to yarn and tend to go for Alpaca which is my ultimate favourite! I find it so gorgeous to knit with and will always try and use this on projects if possible. I am also a huge Rooster fan and think the colours are amazing. However, I would like to see some more autumnal and winter colours available in the future as these tend to be my favourites too!
Here are some pictures of things I have recently made. The mittens were a gift for my Aunt and are being fashionably modelled by her daughter; I used Gooseberry DK Rooster for these. The Hot Water Bottle cover was a gift for my Mum-in-Law and I used Alpaca yarn for this. The colour matched the quilt in her bedroom perfectly, and I was very pleased with the finished result. The booties were for my cousin's son and were made using Rowan handknit cotton. I love Moss stitich and these were an absolute joy to make!
I have recently tried to sort out my yarn collection as it was getting a bit ridiculous and I managed to set aside some of my less favourites to either recycle to my girlfriends or take to the charity shop. A job well done as long as I don’t end up buying back what I have donated!
I am the sort of person who tends to have lots of projects on the go although I do from time to time have a purge and make loads of the same thing! At the moment I am working on a patchwork blanket which is a Christmas gift (from last year!) for some good friends. I told them when I asked if they would like this as a gift that they would get it as and when it was ready! I have attached a picture of it laid out here and have sewn 3 strips so far! I will try and finish it before I start something else but know what I’m like so may not!