Trengwainton National Trust Gardens in Penzance - Royal Scarecrows?!
Posted on 29 October 2012
There is a hidden treasure lurking through the back roads of Penzance... the pathway to Trengwainton National Trust gardens. I can't say I have ever been anywhere just to visit gardens, but I'm so glad I found Trengwainton earlier in the year. The kitchen gardens are amazing, like going back in time and seeing how large houses had walled gardens, cultivated all sorts of fruit and vegetables and flowers too. When I returned in September, there was a surprise addition, which is why I'm writing this blog post. Local school children from Pensans and St Madderns had made the most amazing scarecrows, all with a royal theme.
With assistance from a local artist, John Keys, the children produced 'Kings and Queens' inspired scarecrows to be displayed throughout the walled gardens. This part of Trengwainton is truly magnificent, worked on by a dedicated and friendly team who are happy to explain what they do in the gardens. I think some of the photos of the walled kitchen gardens speak for themselves:
So, on to the royal scarecrows. At the exit to Trengwainton there were a series of boxes where you could for your favourite. I started with a vote for Elizabeth II, then thought how wonderful Victoria was. But how could I miss out Aslan? Then what about the way Oberon and Titania were displayed amongst the pumpkins? And poor Charles II? Errrrr, yes I voted for them all. A coward's way out and the votes cancelled each other out BUT well done to the school children who put the scarecrows together, I can't wait to see the product of next year's project!