An Excuse For Cake @ Handmade In Hunton's Home!

Posted on 22 April 2012

I wrote yesterday about going to see Judi at Handmade in Hunton today for crochet corner, well I am back from my escapades, sans crochet flower but full of lavender shortbread!  However, before we got going, a little friend of Judi's came to say hi in the garden, I think he wanted some of the gorgeous feast Judi put together and I added my contribution of ginger biscuits to the scones, cupcakes and lavender shortbread!

I said yesterday that Jenny was 'speed challenged', well she had read this by the time I saw her this afternoon and she was determined to make a bag for her mum in the time we were at Judi's - and she did!  I have therefore renamed her Usain Bolt - that was some QUICK work.  A touch quicker than the patchwork blanket she had been working on.  She took us all by surprise so there was no champagne on hand to celebrate this time!  I'm not sure she got the 'memo' though that we were actually crocheting today...

Lorna however (Dilly Dally by name and admittedly by nature too!) sped along with her crochet flower and did far more than I did.  She normally does things incredibly slowly so as to get it right, but no no no, today she was on top form and picked up the crochet technique really quickly.  Judi's masterclass was going well (imagine she has clocked by now that I ran off with her crochet hook):

Jo always goes for something a bit more obscure and she decided she wanted to make a laminated fitted table cloth. I know her husband won't read this, but she sewed it according to his measurements but didn't cut anything til she had fitted the finished item on the table when she got home. She was fully prepared to unpick the whole thing in case her husband measured in cm rather than inches! Needless to say it was, as usual, pretty damn perfect and all sewn with laminated cotton on a little John Lewis sewing machine!

Jo did throw us a curve ball when she showed us a photo of her daughter in her 'Easter bonnet'. Now, we all knew Jo had to make this Easter bonnet, but what we didn't realise was that she'd throw down the gauntlet and go for a farm like sculptural kind of feel - a full on sheep on an Easter bonnet using at least three bags of cotton wool balls? Genius. I've asked Jo to write a blog post for me on how she did it. I'll never think of Easter bonnets the same again.

And my job for today? Judi gave me a great lesson on the crochet flower, something for me to work on this week. She also asked for one ball of each of the Rooster yarn colours I stock (double knit). I thought it made quite a nice photo! Check out the six new colours on the right, a selection of seaside inspired colours from Rooster, will post more detail this week about those.


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