Crochet Corner with Handmade in Hunton!

Posted on 21 April 2012

Tomorrow I am off to see Judi from Handmade in Hunton where she will refresh my memory on my 'crochet training'.

Judi and I have known each other for years and our little creative group consists of the two of us plus: Jenny, Jo and Lorna.Jo and I went to school together and bizarrely ended up working at the same place about 10 years ago after not seeing each other for years.  She loves a sewing challenge and will be making a couple of quilt panels.

Lorna is a detail orientated fabric fan, she loves cute and pretty and does everything in miniature.  At her wedding last year I was one of her bridesmaids and witnessed first hand the detail that goes through her mind.Note the term 'detail orientated' does not necessarily equate to bridezilla, I shall leave it to your imagination whether or not this term may or may not have applied to this scenario!

Judi, Jo and Jenny (more about her in a sec) made a wedding apron for Lorna and all her 50 metres or so of bunting for the wedding!  I was only excused from this task as I was on bridesmaid duties!


Now, in a poor lesson in marketing, I have not chosen any pictures with my own fabrics in, but I can assure you there were some!  I'm very generous, I offer friends and family a discount... I charge them double.

And on to Jenny, who I believe may have ironed on the vilene the wrong way round and scarred her ironing board for life when tasked with Lorna's apron letters.  She is a patchwork impressario.  Every time she finishes a project we toast it with champagne but in all in honesty this isn't that often as I'd called her pieces 'labours of love'.  Do you understand my code words there?  Translate as... speed challenged.  Note that the spare hand belongs to the lovely Sue, aka 'Old Bean'. She doesn't sew but her sister is a total whizz with a sewing machine!  She was temporarily granted admission to our crafty collective.


Tomorrow I'm planning to come away with the technique to crochet a flower.  I can easily knit one, but crochet... not so easy for me.  I will also be taking some new Rooster yarn product photos at Judi's lovely home.  Look out for them in tomorrow's blog (unless I get repetitive strain injury from the crochet flowers, then it will be Monday).

ps I've had lots of feedback on the Harry Potter Studio Tour blog.  I'm glad so many of you are encouraged to go.  I've had requests for information from all over the world based on that one blog post.  At least I know it can be found via Google!

pps An update on my running.  I said a few weeks ago that I wanted to 'learn' to run.  Well, I have beaten my personal best. I won't share it with you as it's still quite pitiful, but I am proud!  The only thing is that my dog Poppy has hip dysplasia and is a poor old (young) thing and she can't keep up with me.  Don't get excited, it's more that she only does a trot, stops and sniffs the grass.  I'm not going fast!  Need to work on the strategy for keeping my eye on my dog whilst trying desperately to keep running!

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