Tara Tuesdays - Part 19

Posted on 28 August 2012

What a week!

I honestly don’t know where the time goes these days! It has certainly been one of those weeks! For a few hours EVERY day last week I did some gardening and am still not quite finished! As I have had a bit of time this summer (if you can call it that!) I have been working on my borders and have also put in some posh edging that has sat in my garden getting the “lived in/rustic” look for the last 9 years as we hadn’t got round to doing anything with it! I am pleased that the edging is now in place (so much cheaper to do it yourself with some help!).

However the new turf needs laying and my next job was to level off the borders before my help returns from her holiday next week. I’ve never dug soil in my life and I can tell you if you want to do a work out on your bottom, then this is the right exercise for you, my life! This is almost complete now too but as I have run out of soil, I have to wait until my partner in crime (Mary from the Sewing Circle) returns from her holiday as she will be helping me out with this!

After a busy weekend which started on Thu – we went to my in-laws as we were at a family wedding reception on Friday evening and couldn’t drive as our car isn’t compliant with the new low emission zone thingy (cheers Boris) and my Mum-in-laws partner was driving us over to Bickley from their place in Surrey. We had a great time although I am starting to feel my almost 40 years as had to go to bed before the end, then couldn’t sleep so felt like a zombie on Sat, had to drive back home from Surrey, ripped my white linen trousers trying not to fall out of the car when we got home as hubby had put the steps up (ahem) and then endured a wedding 'do' in our local pub that had a live band! They sounded really good but I slept in the spare room to avoid the noise as I so needed to get some rest! This confused the cat somewhat, anyway, back to the gardening!

We came back from hubby’s Mum’s laden with plants and garden furniture that will do us a turn until we decide on what we really want (you should have seen us trying to squeeze all of it into the car?!) After a good night’s sleep I had planned to plant up on Sunday but before I could finish this, the next job on the list to do before Mary’s return was move the ¾ full composter! More digging ensued! I managed it but god was it hard work! I now have a green waste bin full of not quite ready compost that needs to be put back into the now moved composter! That job is on the list for this week! I know how to live!

I haven’t attached any pics of the garden as it isn’t quite finished yet but I will do as soon as the turf is laid so you can see it in all its glory. I do however have these ones to show you of some of my plants and also some of the visitors we have had to the garden over the last year or so! Hope you like them!

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