Tara Tuesdays - Part 8

Posted on 05 June 2012

I didn't realise Tara stayed with a Blue Peter presenter, I have grossly underestimated her star power!  Here is part eight...

Grand Tour Continuation

I hope by now that you aren’t getting bored by hearing about my shenanigans on holiday as there is still plenty more to come! We had a pleasant drive to Derbyshire and were staying with Simon Groom (from Blue Peter) and his lovely wife Gilly at Manor Farm in Dethick. For me, this farm is something straight out of Country Living magazine! Everything is just perfect and I would live there if I could, not sure how Gilly would feel about that but anyway! Due to a mix up on the booking our original plan was to stay here for 3 nights and then to move onto the Peacock at Rowsley which is somewhere hubby has always wanted to stay. Unfortunately we only had to stay with Gilly one night, and then we went to the Peacock and then came back to Gilly. However, this worked in our favour as we had so much luggage and were able to leave it Manor Farm until we came back which helped no end! The weather wasn’t great although we did have one really good day.

We have been to Derbyshire a few times before as hubby’s Dad was from Bakewell and it is just such a beautiful part of the world. Whilst we were here we visited Chatsworth, OMG wow factor! It was great to watch the programme that has recently been on the BBC all about it as we were lucky enough to see it in all its glory without the scaffolding! Some of it was very over the top and not my taste at all but some of it was just amazing! Pics below. We also visited Lady Bower Reservoir, which initially I thought was going to be some boring war type thing so I wasn’t overly keen. Well, I soon changed my mind when we got there! It reminded me of Canada (not that I’ve ever been to Canada) but you know what I mean! The Dam Busters was filmed here apparently (bit of useful info for you there) and it was simply breath-taking! And we went to the Blue John and Speedwell Caverns when we had the worst weather ever! Very interesting stuff!

Our next stop was Wollerton in Shropshire where we were staying with our dear friends Andy & Claire. Claire was just the best as she did not some, but ALL of my washing for us which was fab as we were getting short on the smalls front! We had a great couple of days with them, RAF Cosford and Stokesay Castle before heading onto Wales! Unfortunately, when we got to Wales the memory stick in the new camera died and I hadn’t saved our pics to the laptop at that point so I don’t have any shots to share from here yet, sorry! More on Wales next time, where I experienced the highlight of my trip!

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